I’ve never been able to think about Christmas without imagining jingle bells! Jingle Bells is one of my favorite Christmas carols and I love hearing the bells everywhere during the holiday season. So when I found the essentials to make a rustic jingle bell garland, I couldn’t pass it up! Not only is this DIY super affordable, it’s also great for many different decor styles. And if the vintage/rusted style bells aren’t your style, you can always switch them out for silver, gold, or copper bells. No matter what, you’ll end up with a beautiful garland you can use in so many different ways.

What You’ll Need:

Step 1.
Before you start, you’ll need to wipe off most of the bells. They’ll have a “rust dust” on them and this part will definitely get messy! But taking the time to do this will keep any of that dust from ending up wherever you decided to hang your garland. It might seem a bit tedious to wipe down every bell, but it’s definitely necessary. Your hands and work area will most likely be messy after all this, but at least it won’t get all over your home!

Step 2.
Start stringing the bells on the twine. You’ll probably want to space them out how you want them as you string each one on, but I promise it takes much less time if you wait to do this! Once you have all the bells on your twine, start spacing them out where you want them so you know where to cut the twine off.

Step 3.
Once you’ve got all your bells spaced and you’ve trimmed the twine, it’s time to tie off the ends. A simple knot won’t hold, so you’ll want to do a loop (like pictured). Having a loop at each end will also give you the option to hook it on to something if needed.

Step 4.
Decorate! There are so many ways to use this garland, which is one of the reasons I’m so excited about it. Right now I have it running down these birch logs and also hanging around the log basket. But I’ll be putting up a small tree in our bedroom soon and I plan on using this as the garland for that tree. It would also look so gorgeous strung though a flocked garland. The bells would really pop against the “snow”.
As always, if you do this DIY (or some version of it) don’t forget to post on Instagram and tag me @sugardesignco because I love seeing the beautiful decor y’all make!
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